Sunday, October 18, 2015

Introduction to the Guide

Welcome to the Stoic Study Guide, the home for this self-taught freelance philosopher to share what I think I know about life.  If you find it of value, you're welcome.  If you don't gain anything from what I have to say, at least you know what DOESN'T help you in life and can move on to other philosophies in life.

Everyone has to believe in something.  These are my beliefs, and my beliefs don't require anyone else to agree.  But even if you disagree, it will get you thinking about what matters to YOU.  That is important.  If you don't think about what you believe, then someone else probably picked your beliefs for you.  It is up to you, but giving others power over how you think and feel about life is giving up a lot of freedom and power.


The short answer is that anything that isn’t a law of nature is someone’s opinion.  As one of my favorite novelists put it, “Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.”  ( Philip K. Dick, I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon)  Philosophy covers the beliefs, values and moral choices that people add onto the universe.Humans form beliefs, like “Human life has value” and “Lying is bad.”  Then we bog down into specifics over which lives have MORE value and are all lies equally bad.  Since these beliefs cause conflict with some people and unity with others, the beliefs we choose in life align us with one or another of infinite  opposing groups.  For details in a semi-serious way, CLICK HERE.

Also the beliefs we choose to have shape how we feel.  If we believe that life should always be easy and any inconvenience is horrible and intolerable, then life will almost always feel horrible and intolerable.  If we believe that everyone we ever meet in life must treat us 100% fairly and give us their full attention and approval or they are no good sons of bitches, then we will feel that we world is full of no good sons of bitches.  If we believe we have to be perfect 100% of the time or we are worthless unlovable people, then we will feel worthless and unloved most of the time.    As you can see, the beliefs we choose to follow dictate how we feel about everything that happens to us.  That is what the Stoic philosophy can be distilled down to.

If you hate how you feel most of the time, then it’s time you really examine your philosophy of life.


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